Thursday, August 9, 2007

I wish I was (corbin says "were") a cat

So first, I think I will satisfy Henri's request of dumbing this blog down, as indicated in this blog's title.

I have been the proud owner or ownee of a cat (same thing as seeing the glass half empty or half full) for three years. I've come to the conclusion that if it were possible to surgically become a cat, I would do it. I wonder what that procedure would be called...any ideas?

I'm about to reveal a spoiler too, so stop reading now if you don't want to know this little secret of mine.

Here I go.....

I think I'm ready....

I'm scared....

I hope I still have friends after this ....

I'm a rigid sissy girl. If I were a cat I would not be this.

Papel has once again taught me through his actions, as only actions can speak louder than words and cats do not speak words, that cats are superior creatures and have no weaknesses like being a rigid sissy.

Case in point. Papel enjoys prowling along the balcony railing. He keeps an eye out for any intruders to our peaceful home, which apparently includes the ground two stories below, the bushes, the neighbor's balcony, and the entire pool area. One evening while on watch, Papel caught site of an intruder. Now, what would a rigid sissy do? Run into the house and pull the covers over her head because she's so stiff she can't even crawl under the bed. But a fearless cat would defend his domain even risking his own life. Yes, Papel gallantly leapt from the second floor balcony landing straight into the bushes below.

He took no thought of his well being but rushed after the intruder who was making himself comfortable by the side of the pool. Papel is such the knight in shining armor that he took no thought of how he has no claws to fight off this intruding cat and defend his loved ones. He jumped onto the cat and began "scratching" at him and attempting to deafen his adversary by screeching loudly. In no time, the other cat was bolting from the pool side with his tail between his legs.

What a hero. I want to be a hero. And I bet many of you would too, especially after watching "Heroes" on NBC. And through Papel's actions, I have learned that if I want to be a hero, I must be a cat. So unless you are on "Heroes" or are a cat you can't be. Sorry that this is such a downer of a blog.

8 Helens agree.

Anonymous said...

The cancer in your stinkin' cat must have gone to its brain. That was a pretty dumb move of him.

And this comment is for the surfing blog, but I'm too lazy to go and make it under there. SKIMBOARDING IS WHERE IT'S AT HOMIE!!!! I'm a profes...I know son!!!!

Mad love (no homo) from the east coast!

Anonymous said...

San Diego is kind of making you guys emo. Also, your cancer cat has always been a hero to me. except he couldn't chase off those stinkin kids that lived next door to you, but i don't think even a Lieger could do that, and they are bred for their skills in magic.

corbin said...

First, to the question about what such a medical procedure would be called, here are my ideas.

A surgical procedure might be called a felinoplasty. Insurance would likely be very expensive due to high risk of cat-astrophe.

If the doctor could simply prescribe an easy to swallow liquid medicine to produce the change, I would call the syrup 'cat-o-tonic'. Side effects include coma.

It has been said that puns are the lowest form of humor. Thinking about this question, I'm sure I could discover lower.

Second, to Kelly: If skim boarding is where it's at, why is your name Waverider? Skim boarding is what we do when there are no waves to surf, which is everyday on the east coast. Don't be hatin'.

Third, to Tracy: It's hard not to be emo out here. It's always 75 degrees and sunny. The beach is five minutes from our house. We can look out our window and see the temple. Life just really sucks and it starts to get you down. I'll be in my room crying if you need me.

We do miss our good friends, the Selfs, though. Maybe they can come out and see us sometime.

Anonymous said...

I changed my name just this one time for you Corbin. Waverider just sounds cooler. Not only am I profes at skimboarding I'm profes at body surfing, so technically I am riding waves, just without a surfboard. I just needed someone to teach me, and I didn't learn this summer just so you could have the honor of doing it next summer!

The sis and I are planning a vaca out there next summer. We're saving our pennies to fly out. You better teach us how to surf!!!!

Joe Black said...

Hello one and all! I am Joe Black. Long time reader first time poster. Anyway I laughed so hard at corbins comment "Insurance would likely be very expensive due to high risk of cat-astrophe." Awesome, pure and simple.

Also the procedure has already been invented, i would assume muggles liek your selves Would over look it, i believe its called Tranfiguration. Take a few courses. Do not however think polyjouice potion will do the trick, this is very dangerous!

In conclusion Mt dew is good.

Joe Black said...

Just remember i gave birth to papel, although the scar has faded to a mere memory. But that very memory will live on in my heart forever.

corbin said...

Joe is my hero. That's what I'll call you from now on. Hero Joe. Maybe I can get Craig to write you a theme song.

Henri said...

Joe is a loser and a thief, and I am planning on taking him to Judge Joe Brown (as he likes girls more then the other tv judges). Joe asked me what was the name of the potion to turn you into things. He showed his muggle-ness just by his question because polyjuice potion only give humans other human characteristics. I told him that transfiguration would be the only safe means to do it and you would still be classified as human. Prolonged side effects of transfiguration include nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, constipation, loss of right hand and re-growth of silver one, and death from Lord Voldy himself. Do not attempt if you are pregnant or nursing. For an example of prolonged transfiguration refer to Wormtail starting in HP & the prisoner of Azkaban until the end of the series.

Being a cat would be cool. Being your cat would be disastrous. Your cat is crazy. If you became a cat who would keep Corbin from being punny.