We got together with some of our friends to kick off the Survivor season. This year they are in China. We have a little Survivor tradition going where we each pick three people and depending on how long they last, you get points. Whoever has the most points at the end of the season gets a prize.
After picking our Survivors, a lively debate sprung up regarding two of the females on the show. Matt Weed said that Jaime was much hotter than Amanda, while EVERYONE else thought the opposite. I mean, every single other person in the whole entire group thought Matt was crazy. But he wouldn't back down. So we are widening the vote to you, our readers. Please vote for who you think is better looking in the poll to the right.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Survivor China - It's getting Hot Soup in here
corbin was avoiding work
4:06 PM
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7 Helens agree.
Matt, you better not skew our poll...or, or I don't know what!
Amanda has had prior experience of being pretty so she should win.
I have never even seen any season or full episode of survivor, thus I feel I have the most unbiased view. Amanda has a funny nose. Sorry Corbin, Jamie is definitely hotter. Thus, the poll is reflecting my opinion, as of yet that is.
Jamie is better looking and it's not even close. Amanda has some serious horse-smile-face going on, maybe it's the picture though.
Yeah. After reviewing the pictures again, Amanda does look a little bit weird. But I think in video, Amanda is still hotter. Jaime has a squashed pumpkin face. Like a He-Man doll. But I'm not as adamant as I was on Friday.
What is Survivor, and when did you start watching TV? CA must give free TV to all new residents. Any way, why watch the whole season when you can tune in for the finale and get all the high-lights, plus learn who wins. For those of you who religiously watch the entire season, are you bitter that they provide a re-cap? Do you ever feel like the producers just robbed you of hundreds of hours of your life by showing everyone else what they missed out on, all the while brain washing you into thinking that Bounty is better than Brawny? My advise to those of you who must sit through an entire season: Get TiVo. I have just survived approximately 1.5 years without TV and on the rare weekend that I am over at my parents house and take the time to look for something interesting to watch on the ol' boob tube, I quickly remember how boring it is. Even when I find something that catches my interest, I find that I cannot stomach the comercials. I end up turning the bloody thing off after two comercial breaks because I cant stand being subjected the advertising ploys and I refuse to let them make me feel like I have to keep watching just to see what happens next. It's blatant manipulation and I will not submit! However, I do miss football. Fortunatley the NFL has updated their web site and I can catch all the highlight videos online as well as learn what the proffesional critics want me to think about my favorite team's chances of making it to the Superbowl. Speaking of the Superbowl, watching the Superbowl comercials is one of my favorite things to do. Maybe this year they will even convince me to watch next season's survivor, for during the Superbowl, I will be most vulnerable to their advertising compaigns. I can't wait to be convinced of subscribing to some sort of Satelite TV package! Give me enough time and I will come full circle.
Poll closed. Jaime is the official winner. Congrats, Matt.
Go ahead. It's only 2¢.