Friday, September 14, 2007

My Week with the Cat

Yes, another blog featuring cat information. But there's nothing else to write about when my sweetheart is gone. Corbin has been in Santa Barbara doing research since Monday. He returns home tonight! I have learned absence does make the heart grow fonder. Additionally, his mere presence fills me with life. This week I've been a lazy cat feeling completely lifeless without my Corbin. I'm so glad he'll be back soon.

My week without Corbin has been very unproductive and I haven't nearly ate as well as I do when he's around. Below is a list of my post-work activities and dinner.

  • Monday - I went to the mall and bought some new clothes to fill my loneliness. It sort of worked. Ate left over eggplant Parmesan. Felt a little guilty for buying stuff while my house was a mess so washed some dishes. The house is still a mess. Watched Intolerable Cruelty until I passed out.
  • Tuesday - I returned unopened food that I bought for a Young Women's activity and went to Target and bought shampoo. Ate a grilled cheese sandwich. The house is still a mess but who cares? Watched the Prestige until I passed out.
  • Wednesday - Went to a Young Women's activity. Ate a grilled cheese sandwich. The house is still a mess and I really don't care. Came home and watched the Long Long Trailer staring Lucille Ball until I passed out.
  • Thursday - Cleaned the house...finally something productive. Corbin comes home and now I care :) Ate a disappointing frozen pizza from Trader Joe's. Watched Down with Love until I passed out.

While Papel can be a good companion, he is certainly no replacement to Corbin. Here's why:

  1. Papel cries, Corbin does not. As soon as I walk into the door, the crying begins and does not stop until he's fed. One day I seriously thought about recording it and posting it to prove just how loud and long he can cry. His cries went on for some time. Apparently it wasn't acceptable for me to go to the bathroom after a long day of being chained to my desk. After feeding him, he's content as he gulps down his dinner. Following the meal, he cleans himself, sits on the deck and then comes back inside and begins to cry again. Now he's bored and wants to play. And I'm tired and missing my sweetheart, so I ignore him and...see point #2.
  2. Papel sneaks up on me, Corbin does too...but I like it when he does :) For those of you who don't know, I'm visually impaired. I normally wear contact lenses. At night I take them out. Just before falling asleep, I become paranoid that I may not have locked the front door. So I drag myself out of bed and stumble into the living room. Just as I'm about to pass the couch to check the front door, out jumps Papel, who I can't see because it's dark and I'm visually impaired. He's reared up on his hind legs with his front legs waving and his mouth open. I walk right into him unknowingly and his front legs wrap around my leg and he begins to playfully bite my leg. I'm practically asleep and blind and all I know is something fury and pointy is on my leg. So I shake him off and try to restore my heart rate and breathing.
  3. Papel hogs the bed, Corbin can be pushed out of the bed if necessary. Papel sleeps with us every night. He typically sleeps right where I would put my feet if I were to lie straight on my side of the bed. It's very difficult to push him out of the way so I end up sleeping diagonally with my feet ontop of Corbin's. I thought with Corbin gone, I'd at least get more space in bed. I was mistaken. Papel continued to lie down in the same spot. And silly me, so did I. Apparently without Corbin I also loose some level of intelligence and problem solving skills.

I would write more, but my lunch hour is over and I have to return to work. Stay tuned for a post on our reunion.

6 Helens agree.

Jamie said...

I'm the same way. I always think how much stuff I'll get done when Steve goes to play basketball at night, but usually I do like one thing and then lay down on the couch to sulk and watch a movie, because I feel no motivation anymore. Strange. Also, I LOOOOOOVE The Long Long Trailer.

Joe Black said...

Although i feel very sorry for you i also cant help but laugh as i imagine corbin having an unfortunate accident and you are left to become a pre age 30 old cat lady. lawl.

Taralyn said...

Alice, Alice, Alice... Like I said before, have a baby. As you see, you have all the trouble, including the crying, and none of the joys. All you have is a grumpy old cat that bites and gives nothing in return. The only merit he has is that he can poop on the toilet, but... kids eventually learn that too with the help of that "Everybody Poops" book (we're patiently awaiting the day when we can start reading Suede that wonderful text). So really, where's the merit at all? Thus, you may as well just have the kid and get it over with. You'll probably spend the same amount of $ on a kid with all that "special food" you have to buy Papel because of his expensive tastes. Listen to Joe. He is wise. Although, I sure hope he is incorrect about that unfortunate accident.

PS about that Basil plant...are you sure it's not being sabotaged by your incredible pet? He may enjoy the sweet smell of Basil on his coat.

Taralyn said...

WHERE'S MY LINK!?!?!?!?!?

corbin said...

Sorry, they cut the cable lines to our building so our intrawebs has been down since last Thursday.

The only problem with putting a link to your site is that you have already thought of the most cleverest name for your blog. I don't know what to do.

Henri said...

wow, being married turns you crazy. If you became a cat lady I would totally come visit.