Arrrr! Ye scallywags be worse than black spotted if'n ye didn't remember. Prepare to be broadsided by Cap'n Corbin Bloodbucket! An' let no land-lubber shame these here hallowed pages with their filthy bilge swill. Unless they be saucy wenches. Then 'tis right and true to allow parley.
An' be mighty sure to fill the commentin' part clear to the top o' the crow's nest with yer preferred phrases o' the sea.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Avast, ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis Talk Like A Pirate Day!
corbin was avoiding work
3:25 PM
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3 Helens agree.
Did you get all that from the Pirate Translator widget? If'n not be so, then yerr mates be spillin over bridges fir the likes o' Davey Jones' locker. ARR!
That's wack, I'm to ghetto to talk like a damn pirate... yo, yo. Word to your motha.
that thar movie do be off the hizzy.
Go ahead. It's only 2¢.